We were recently mandated to use the Patience Fruit & Co juice bottles to create a fun and practical DIY using the cranberry juice bottles. It is using these juice bottles that we have decided to create piggy banks. If you’re like me, you always have loose change lying around, either in your pockets, the bottom of your purse, or even unused in your wallet. Our plan? Create thematic piggy banks that would allow us to save money for a specific objective. I chose to make a piggy bank with a travel theme, whereas Max chose the topic of “love” with the idea of organizing fun date nights with his boyfriend.
– Magazines (that you’ve already read through)
– Scissors
– Mod podge
– White acrylic
– Silk paper
– Brushes
– Accessories to decorate (ribbons, confettis, etc., anything you may have that would inspire you!)
For my project, I decided to cut out images and textures from the magazines that represented travel, and from these, create a colourful collage on the bottle using mod podge. Once the bottle emptied, washed and its label removed, here are the steps of creation:
The Steps
- Find inspiring images based on the chosen theme. For my part, I used magazines, but I could have just as easily used road maps, atlases, pictures, and personal souvenirs.
- Everything is possible, let your imagination roam! Start by spreading a good layer of mod podge the size of the image chosen, stick the image on and cover with mod podge.
- Repeat the second step till the bottle is completely covered in images. Personally, I chose to leave the top of the bottle bare because the glass is textured and I thought it gave abetter look. Additionally, once the change reaches the top levels of my collage, i’ll know i’ve saved a good amount of money!
- Let dry completely.
- During this time, cut an opening in the bottle cap large enough to allow to easily insert coins (be careful, it is a metal cap).
- Paint the cap with acrylic paint of the color of your choice. This will require multiple layers in order for the pain to be opaque. And voila!
- Find inspiring images based on the chosen theme. For my part, I used magazines, but I could have just as easily used road maps, atlases, pictures, and personal souvenirs.
This is a simple DIY that does not require too much material and can therefore be a great activity with the kids for the weekend or to let your creativity fly. What is the most fun is that having a thematic piggybank is motivating. Personally, I find it hard to save up money if I don’t have a specific objective in mind. If I know that money accumulated this way will allow me to, for example, go out for a delicious meal in a restaurant during my vacations in Japan, I am less likely to dip in the piggybank to buy a coffee in the morning. What will be your piggybank’s theme?
Thank you to our collaborators
Le Cahier
Le Cahier is a blog that covers a wide variety of subjects, without any pretension and often with much humour. The collaborators that work here share their discoveries, their best looks, their favourite products, and their travel adventures, etc.