Tips & Tricks

Five fun recipes to make with the kids


Spring break is here, your chance to spend some family time together  — enjoy every second! With all the good will in the world, though, sometimes we run out of steam when it comes to planning activities for the kids – especially if it’s rainy or super-cold out there. So now’s the perfect time to search your fridge and pantry and get cooking with the little ones. We’ve made it easy, with five recipes to make with the kids from our website you’ll have fun making together.

The littlest ones can help measure the dry ingredients and stand on a stool stirring while the big kids chop fruit and vegetables. It’s a great way to get them to try “new” foods. And kids are more likely to taste a dish they’ve had a hand in preparing (literally!).


Oatmeal Scones with Dried Wild Blueberries

Nut-free and peanut-free, these scones are naturally sweetened with our dried wild blueberries and date purée.  So you can safely send them in the kids’ lunchboxes when they head back to school!

Home-made Fruit Squares (Roll-up Style)

Fruit squares with the same yummy taste as store-bought fruit roll-ups – your kids will love the square version, with ingredients you know and love. Let them do the decorating, adding the toppings of their choice.

squares-fruit-back to school- school -snacks

Cranberry, Wild Blueberry, Goldenberry and Tart Cherry Chocolate Bark

A simple and delicious treat. Chocolate bark topped with our whole fruit mix – yum!

chocolate bark, écorces, gift, cadeaux, DIY

Energy Balls with Almonds, Chocolate and Dried Wild Blueberries

Planning to hit the ski hill or the skating rink this week? You’ll be happy you thought ahead and made our energy balls with the kids. No food processor needed, and the little guys will have fun rolling them up.


Chicken Salad Sandwiches with Pecans and Cranberries

A great way to get the kids involved in making meals is to start with a no-cook recipe. Our chicken salad requires a little chopping but comes together in just one bowl.


Remember: the whole point is to spend time with the kids while you teach them the rudiments of cooking. So be sure to choose a time when you’re in no hurry and you can stand by with an encouraging smile as they discover the wonderful world of food. Happy spring break!

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